The hearing aid process for Malakai:

 So today we got moldings for Malakais hearing aids, and we picked out colors! 


We decided to go with colors that would naturally blend in with his hair and skin, because we want the older boys to grow accustomed to him having the aids. 


He will get new aids around the age of four and at that point he’ll be allowed to fully decide what colors, but for our family we felt this was the best choice until he can verbalize what he wants. 

As we go through this extremely hard process of dealing with CMV and the affects of CMV, I of course want what is best for Malakai, but I always have to keep in mind the affect CMV has also caused my older children. This is new territory for all of us, and I’m always trying to keep everyone in mind. So although I think he looks pretty darn cute, I understand my children thinking it may look different, weird, or be apprehensive about them. That’s my fault though, I’ve taught my children so many things, but prior to Malakais diagnosis, I never thought to talk to my children about kids with disabilities. But again, this is new for my entire family. 


As I learn more about CMV and the affects it has had on Malakai, I am doing my absolute best to relay it back to my children in a way they can understand and over time become more accepting of ALL children with disabilities, not just Malakai.


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