Malakais hearing aids:


 Malakai has bilateral moderate to severe hearing loss, moderate at low frequency sounds and severe at high frequency sounds. These aids aren’t meeting his needs fully on the higher frequency sounds, so we’ll be getting different aids that will hopefully meet those needs next week. But nonetheless we saw a huge improvement with these aids, overall. He focused sooo much more as I was talking to him, and he usually doesn’t stay focused at all because his visual senses take over and there’s always so much to look at! 

He didn’t freak out as we were putting them in and despite how overwhelming it must have been to all the sudden hear so much (& loudly) he was as happy as can be. 


He started speech therapy on Monday, and we will continue to go weekly to help him with his speech and language skills.

I’m so proud of my little man, he’s always showing just how strong he is and willing to accept change as it comes.

We still have a long road ahead of us, but we have such an amazing group of doctors and family who are always supportive through anything and everything that happens. 




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