The CMV crisis:

 I follow and watch a handful of mothers that have/had babies with CCMV/CMV, so it makes me overly aware. I’ve seen a large amount of women lose their babies to CMV, unborn babies all the way up to teens.

And too often makes me take into consideration the fact that I could have lost Malakai during my pregnancy. I could after lost him after birth. I’m so grateful he is here, and the thought that my lack of knowledge could have cost him his life, haunts me every single day. 

Approximately 1 out of every 200 babies will be born with CMV, and 1 out of 5 of these babies will have health problems. 

I’m going to round it to 140 million babies born a year. 

Divide that by 200, and that means approximately 700,000 babies are born with CMV each year, so about 140,000 will have health problems. 


I’m vocal when it comes to CMV, because not only has it affected my life and Malakais life but so many others, and will continue to take children away from their parents, as well continue to affect many other lives, in ways most of us can’t even fathom. 

It’s incurable, but you can take precautions to try and spare yourself and your child. 

I mean, let’s be honest... the world shut down over COVID. Businesses have had to close up shop because we were so scared of an upper respiratory illness. Research began the moment it hit the US in order to provide a vaccine. There are billboards all over the world talking about it. New stations covered it round the clock. Laws, standardized testing began. Extreme precautions were and still are put in place because of the possibility of catching a respiratory illness. We wear masks in public, we wash our hands constantly, keep hand sanitizer within reach, keep a distance of 3-6 feet between one another. Again, a respiratory illness, yes, people will die from it, but most will recover.

But let’s talk about CYTOMEGALOVIRUS

-Hearing loss is the most common long term health problem a baby will face if they are born with CMV, life long.

-brain abnormalities, are fairly common as well. Including:


•brain calcifications


-vision loss, due to inflammation of the light-sensing layer of the eye.

-Nervous system problems

•Cerebral palsy


-developmental, motor and speech delays

-other organ damage

And soooo many other problems can arise simply because of CMV. 

CMV can cause LIFE LONG health problems.

No one is talking about it. 

It’s not on the news. 

You aren’t seeing billboards about CMV, not out in public and not especially not in OBGYN offices. 

You aren’t seeing research to create a cure or vaccine, only antivirals the help slow CMV. 

There’s no laws or standardized testing for CMV, even though it’s as simple as a blood test, urine test or saliva test. EASIER THAN THE COVID TEST. 


It’s incurable, there is no vaccines, but you can take precautions.

Nearly the same precautions you are currently taking daily to avoid COVID. 

-washing your hands

-cleaning surfaces

-using hand sanitizer when soap and water is not within reach


-don’t kiss your children on the lips. 

-don’t share drinks/food or utensils.

-cleaning your hands after EVERY diaper change. 

I could lose my son tomorrow, a year from now, or he could live the best life he can possibly have with this incurable health issue. I don’t know, and unfortunately that’s something I live with every single day. His life is full of uncertainty. I’ve seen mothers who have fought so hard for their CMV babies, raised their babies for years, and they pass away after fighting so hard. 

Something needs to change, not for me but for every single person and child it could affect. 

Education and awareness needs to be brought up, because your child could be affected, your sisters child, best friend, or someone close to you could be affected by CMV.  


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